Apr 17, 2023The Wedding Singer AuditionsAnnouncing WODS auditions for The Wedding Singer, a funny and energetic muscial comedy on 17-21st October 2023.
Mar 4, 2023Awards and Nominations from NODA for 2022WODS are proud to announce that all three of the Society's productions from 2022 have been nominated for NODA Awards.
Jan 13, 2022Call for Choreographer for Our HouseWe are eager to hear from those who are interested in showcasing their choreographic creativity in Our House.
Dec 2, 2021Available Now! Bruce Wyatt's A Complete History of WODS - AlmostGet your copy of "A Complete History of WODS - Alost" which is available now from the author, Bruce Wyatt.
Oct 2, 2021Desperately Seeking Cast MembersA DESPERATE plea has been made for actors to star in a delayed musical which is in fear of not reaching the stage after losing a third of...